
Join us as we journey through the preaching ministry of Charles Haddon Spurgeon!

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Welcome to the home of the Hear Spurgeon podcast!
No audio recordings of Charles Spurgeon exist, but you can still listen to his sermons! Beginning with volume one, and working chronologically through Spurgeon’s printed sermons, our ambition is to record our favorites from as many volumes as possible.

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Charles Spurgeon was born in England on June 19th, 1834. Both his father and grandfather were pastors, and he spent much time as a youth in their libraries reading rich theological books. On January 6th, 1850, at age 15, Spurgeon was marvelously born again by the Holy Spirit of God, and began pastoring a small rural congregation when he was just 17 years old!
A big church in the city soon took notice of the extraordinarily gifted young preacher, and after a ‘trail period’ of sorts, asked him to become their pastor. Spurgeon accepted the invitation, and on January 7th, 1855 (5 years and a day after his conversion), he delivered his first published sermon as pastor of the New Park Street Chapel.
This is where our podcast begins!

Some of the older language of the sermons has been updated in order to (we hope) enhance listenability.
None of the meaning has been lost!

Please pray that God would continue to use the words of C.H. Spurgeon to both save those who are lost, and impassion His people for His glory!

So faith comes from hearing,
and hearing through the word of Christ.

~  Romans 10:17  ~