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“I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.”—Malachi. 3:6
Main Points:
1. An unchanging God – 5:22
2. The persons who derive benefit from this glorious attribute – 30:30
3. The benefit they so derive – 39:40
The following are select quotes from this sermon (The Immutability of God).
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“No subject of contemplation will tend more to humble the mind, than thoughts of God… But while the subject humbles the mind it also expands it. He who often thinks of God, will have a larger mind than the man who simply plods around this narrow globe.”
“…the most excellent study for expanding the soul, is the science of Christ, and him crucified, and the knowledge of the Godhead in the glorious Trinity. Nothing will so enlarge the intellect, nothing so magnify the whole soul of man, as a devout, earnest, continued investigation of the great subject of the Deity.”
“I know nothing which can so comfort the soul; so calm the swelling billows of grief and sorrow; so speak peace to the winds of trial, as a devout musing upon the subject of the Godhead.”
“There are no furrows on his [God’s] eternal brow.”
“He is not become an Almighty tyrant, whereas he was once an Almighty Father; but his strong love stands like a granite rock, unmoved by the hurricanes of our iniquity. And blessed be his dear name, he is unchanged in his love. When he first wrote the covenant, how full his heart was with affection to his people. He knew that his Son must die to ratify the articles of that agreement. He knew right well that he must rend his best beloved from his bowels, and send him down to earth to bleed and die. He did not hesitate to sign that mighty covenant; nor did he shun its fulfillment. He loves as much now as he did then; and when suns shall cease to shine, and moons to show their feeble light, he still shall love on for ever and for ever.”
“Ye may change your plans, but he shall never, never change his. Then has he told me that his plan is to save me? If so, I am safe.”
“Believer! there was a delightful promise which you had yesterday; and this morning when you turned to the Bible the promise was not sweet. Do you know why? Do you think the promise had changed? Ah, no! You changed; that is where the matter lies. You had been eating some of the grapes of Sodom, and your mouth was thereby put out of taste, and you could not detect the sweetness. But there was the same honey there, depend upon it, the same preciousness. “Oh!” says one child of God, “I had built my house firmly once upon some stable promises; there came a wind, and I said, O Lord, I am cast down and I shall be lost.” Oh! the promises were not cast down; the foundations were not removed; it was your little “wood, hay, stubble” hut, that you had been building. It was that which fell down. You have been shaken on the rock, not the rock under you.”
“Woe unto the watchman that warns not the ungodly!”
“Sons of God cannot live without prayer. They are wrestling Jacobs. They are men in whom the Holy Ghost so works, that they can no more live without prayer than I can live without breathing. They must pray. Sirs, mark you, if you are living without prayer, you are living without Christ; and dying like that, your portion will be in the lake which burneth with fire.”
“Mr. Self is the worst enemy a Christian has.”
Charles Haddon Spurgeon
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Thank you very much for this opportunity to listen the Word of God in difficult time.
God bless you and greeting from the Netherlands.
I am honored to have the opportunity in this digital age to provide these resources to you. Thank you very much for taking the time to leave a comment, it’s a huge encouragement to me!
Dear Zach,
Thank you for your dedication and commitment and to our Heavenly Father to use you in this manner.
I listen from 3 different podcasts each morning but I find Charles Spurgeon’s sermons to be a lot more edifying and inspirational than any others. I thank God that I discovered him through a documentary on Youtube and consequently you have brought his sermons alive by reading them out loud. Sometimes we need to hear something out loud in order to really grasp our attention.
Greetings from Hampshire in the UK. God bless you and keep you.
Jenny, thank you for leaving a comment on the site (sorry it took so long to respond!). It’s a huge encouragement to know that these sermons are making their way across oceans to the edification of my brothers and sisters throughout the world! Thanks for enduring my American accent 😉
I have just found your Spurgeon read aloud ministry.
Thank you you for undertaking this!
It’s such a blessing to be able to listen. And I quickly got used to your accent. The timeless truth rings out regardless!
Every blessing to you.
Somerset UK
Glad my pesky American accent isn’t too much of a barrier to my brothers and sisters oversees! Thank you for the encouragement, Arabella.
Praise the Lord Brother.Praying for our Lords return.may he keep you intact in his grace
Thank you, brother. Lord come quickly!
Thank you for bringing these sermons back to life! Your voice, inflection, and tone are perfect for this.
Let us keep going. Let us keep in sight that shinnying light. The way is narrow. The Lord is The Shepherd of His small flock. None of His sheep will be left astray.
A humble sugestion: add some sort of link to a “download the pdf” of the sermon transcript. This will help those like me that have English as a second language and phisiologic hearing difficulty due aging.
Brother, thank you for the suggestion. On many of my earlier recordings (this one included) you can find a link to a PDF listed under the main points. There are also many places online where you can access the text for Spurgeon’s sermons, http://www.spurgeongems.org is one of my favorites.
Thank you brother, for your attention. The Spurgeongems.org has been of great help.
I was given this podcast buy a deer godly friend. She recommended it to me after I sent her a link to what I thought was spurgeon’s messages.
They were not his. In fact they were AI voice and content generated, leaving out references to Christ and were summaries of the original sermons.
Praise God that my friend had access to your podcast. The Lord will not allow His own to be deceived as if the elect could be.
One of my favorite quotes by Spurgeon is, “The definition of discernment: to know the difference between right and almost right.”
I thank the Lord for this ministry of yours and pray that the Lord would use it for his glory!