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“We are never, never so much in danger of being proud, as when we think we are humble.“
– C.H.S.
“Serving the Lord with all humility of mind.”—Acts 20:19.
Main Points:
1. The comprehensiveness of humility – 3:25
2. The trials of humility – 19:05
3. Arguments to support humility – 30:30
4. Practical effects of humility – 41:02
The following are select quotes from this sermon.
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Led no doubt by the Holy Ghost thus to speak—that he might be an example to all coming ages—he becomes the mirror to all the ministers of Christ, that we too, each of us in our degree serving the Lord, may without degree be filled with humility, taking the lowest seat, not esteeming ourselves beyond what we ought to think, but submitting ourselves to men of low estate; emptying out ourselves as he did who emptied himself of all his glory, when he came to save our souls.
You know well our apostle has many things in his writings which are hard to be understood, yet he uttered them because of the Spirit; and you never meet with any attempt in the apostle’s writing as you do in the preaching of some ministers, as you do in the conversation of some professors, to reconcile predestination with free will. He was quite content to preach to men as free agents, and exhort them to repent; quite willing to speak of God as working in us to will and do of his good pleasure, while we also work out our own salvation with fear and trembling.
It is so ridiculous for us ever to boast of any talents which God has given us. It is as though the debtor in the jail should say “I am a better man than you for I am in debt ten thousand pounds and you only a hundred.” The more we have the more we owe, and how can there be any ground for boasting there? A man might as well be proud because he is six feet high, while another is only five feet six inches, as be proud that he hath ten talents while another has only five. We are what God has made us, so far as gifts are concerned.
…there is not a station under heaven where a man will not be proud if left to himself. I pray you, never think that leaving one station and getting into another, will be any help to your humility.
We are never, never so much in danger of being proud, as when we think we are humble.
Let us humble ourselves before God. You know there is a deal of difference between being humble and being humbled. He that will not be humble shall be humbled.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon