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Chapter 5 : Around the Wicket Gate – Fearing to Believe

~ Around the Wicket Gate ~
Almost Saved, But Altogether Lost

Here in Chapter 5, Spurgeon confronts the fear of believing in Christ, exposing it as pride disguised as humility. He argues that doubting God’s promises dishonors His faithfulness and implores readers to abandon self-reliance. Using vivid illustrations, Spurgeon shows that faith is as simple as letting go and falling into Christ’s arms. He warns against replacing faith with religious practices and urges readers to grip the “Rock of Ages” with even the smallest trust, finding safety and peace in Jesus alone.

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But someone might worry, “What if I come to Christ, and he refuses me?” My answer is, “Try him.” Cast yourself on the Lord Jesus, and see if he refuses you. You will be the first against whom he has shut the door of hope. Friend, do not worry about crossing that bridge until you come to it! If Jesus ever casts you out, you will have time enough to despair—but that time will never come. “This man receives sinners”; he has not so much as begun to cast them out (Luke 15:2).

Give up your hold on everything except Christ, and fall. Fall from all trust in your works, your prayers, or your feelings. Fall at once! Fall now! Soft and safe will be the ground that receives you. Jesus Christ, in his love, in the efficacy of his precious blood, and in his perfect righteousness, will give you immediate rest and peace. Cease from self-confidence. Fall into the arms of Jesus. This is the primary element of faith—giving up every other hold and simply falling upon Christ.

Alas! There are many, many souls who say, “I am told to trust in Jesus, but I will regularly attend to the means of grace instead.” Attend public worship by all means, but not as a substitute for faith, or it will become a vain confidence. The command is, “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life. He does not come into judgment but has passed from death to life” (John 5:24). Attend to that, whatever else you do. “Well, I will start reading good books; perhaps that will do me some good.” Read the good books by all means, but that is not the gospel: the gospel is, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household” (Acts 16:31).

Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Chapter 4 : Around the Wicket Gate – Faith Very Simple

~ Around the Wicket Gate ~
Almost Saved, But Altogether Lost

Here in Chapter 4, Spurgeon demystifies the concept of faith, explaining that people mistakenly view it as something difficult when in fact it’s simple. Through relatable stories, he illustrates that faith is like accepting a gift or drinking from a fountain—it requires no effort, just trust. Spurgeon encourages readers to stop complicating salvation by relying on feelings or effort and instead take God at His word, accepting Jesus immediately, without hesitation or doubt. Saving faith, he argues, is trusting entirely in the person, work, merit, and power of the Son of God.

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People think that salvation must be the result of some act or feeling, very mysterious, and very difficult; but God’s thoughts are not our thoughts, nor are his ways our ways. In order that the weakest and the most ignorant may be saved, he has made the way of salvation as easy as A, B, C. There is nothing about it to puzzle anyone. Yet, as everyone expects to be puzzled by it, many are quite bewildered when they find it to be so exceedingly simple.

Faith is trusting—trusting entirely in the person, work, merit, and power of the Son of God.

Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Chapter 3 : Around the Wicket Gate – Faith in the Person of the Lord Jesus

Around the Wicket Gate – Almost Saved, But Altogether Lost
Chapter 3 – Faith in the Person of the Lord Jesus

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Voiced by: Zach Kispert
© 2024 — A Charles Spurgeon Ministry

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*Scripture quotations are from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.*

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In Chapter 3, Spurgeon explores the necessity of personal faith in Jesus for salvation, stressing that it’s not enough to acknowledge Christ’s sufficiency without actively seeking refuge in Him. Through vivid analogies, Spurgeon illustrates how faith involves running to Christ, much like a pursued sinner fleeing to a sanctuary. He urges readers to fully trust in Christ’s ability to save, regardless of the depth of their sinfulness. Spurgeon closes by reinforcing the idea that true faith places the entirety of one’s hope in Christ, who alone can protect and deliver from judgment.

Chapter 2 : Around the Wicket Gate – Jesus Only

~ Around the Wicket Gate ~
Almost Saved, But Altogether Lost

Here in Chapter 2, Spurgeon underscores the centrality of Jesus Christ as the sole means of salvation. He argues against the notion that human efforts or righteousness can contribute to one’s salvation, highlighting that only Christ’s sacrifice is sufficient. Through metaphors and analogies, he illustrates the folly of depending on anything other than Christ, urging readers to trust in him entirely for forgiveness and eternal life. Spurgeon concludes by emphasizing that faith unites believers with God and guarantees salvation, encouraging readers to cling to Christ as their only hope.

The following are select quotes from this chapter.
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It stands to reason that the darling of heaven would not have died to save us if we could have been rescued at less expense. Infinite grace provided the great sacrifice; infinite love submitted to death for our sake.  How can we dream that there can be another way than the way which God has provided at such cost  and set forth in Holy Scripture so simply and so urgently? Surely it is true that “there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”

When a person believes, there is a point of union between them and God, and that union guarantees blessing. Faith saves us because it makes us cling to Christ Jesus, who is one with God, and thus brings us into connection with God.
I am told that, years ago, above Niagara Falls, a boat was flipped over, and two men were being carried down by the current. People on the shore managed to float a rope out to them, and both men seized the rope. One of them held fast to it and was safely drawn to the bank; but the other, seeing a sizeable log floating by, unwisely let go of the rope and clung to the large piece of timber, for it was bigger and apparently better to cling to. Alas! The timber, with the man on it, went right over the vast abyss because there was no union between the wood and the shore. The size of the log was no benefit to him who grasped it; it needed a connection with the shore to produce safety.
Similarly, when a person trusts in their works, or in their prayers, or almsgivings, or in sacraments, or in anything of that sort, they will not be saved because there is no junction between them and God through Christ Jesus. But faith, though it may seem to be like a slender cord, is in the hand of the great God on the shore side; infinite power pulls in the connecting line, and thus pulls the person from destruction. Oh, the blessedness of faith, because it unites us to God by the Savior, whom he has appointed, even Jesus Christ!  O reader, is there not common sense in this matter? Think it over, and may there soon be a rope of union between you and God through your faith in Christ Jesus!

Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Chapter 1 : Around the Wicket Gate – Awakening

~ Around the Wicket Gate ~
Almost Saved, But Altogether Lost

Here in chapter 1, Spurgeon addresses the widespread apathy toward eternal matters, highlighting the importance of being awakened to one’s spiritual condition. He stresses that such awakening is often the first step toward salvation but warns against the danger of returning to spiritual slumber. Spurgeon emphasizes that true salvation requires moving beyond mere awareness of sin to actively seeking Christ’s redemption. Through various analogies, he illustrates the folly of remaining in a state of conviction without progressing to faith, urging readers to seize the opportunity for salvation immediately.

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Great numbers of people have no concern about eternal things. They care more about their cats and dogs than about their souls. It is a great mercy to be made to think about ourselves and how we stand in relation to God and the eternal world. This is often a sign that salvation is coming to us. By nature, we do not like the anxiety that spiritual concern causes us, and we try, like sluggards, to sleep again. This is great foolishness; for it is at our peril that we trifle when death is so near and judgment is so sure. If the Lord has chosen us to eternal life, he will not let us return to our slumber. If we are sensible, we will pray that our anxiety about our souls may never come to an end until we are really and truly saved.

Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Preface : Around the Wicket Gate

~ Around the Wicket Gate ~
Almost Saved, But Altogether Lost

“Enter by the narrow gate.”—Matthew 7:13

In this preface, Charles Spurgeon addresses those who are close to entering the path of salvation but hesitate at the threshold. Drawing inspiration from John Bunyan’s “The Pilgrim’s Progress,” Spurgeon uses the metaphor of the “wicket gate” to represent the entrance to the way of life. He highlights the peril of being “almost saved, but altogether lost,” and expresses his earnest hope that this book will guide many to faith in Christ.

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It will be an awful thing to die just outside the gate of life. Almost saved, but altogether lost! This is the most terrible of positions. A person just outside Noah’s ark would have been drowned; a manslayer close to the wall of the city of refuge, but still outside, would be slain; and the person who is within a yard of Christ, and yet has not trusted in him, will be lost. Therefore, I am deeply earnest to get my hesitating friends over the threshold.

Charles Haddon Spurgeon

603. Now — 2 Corinthians 6:2

“For he says, “In an acceptable time I listened to you, and in a day of salvation I have helped you.” Behold, now is the acceptable time; behold, now is the day of salvation.”
—2 Corinthians 6:2.

Main Points:
0:00 – Introduction
8:57 – 1. Now of believers
27:11 – 2. Now of sinners
38:26 – 3. Now in heaven
39:54 – 4. Now in hell

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…there is one thought which should not leave us when talking about times and seasons, namely, that now, now, just now, this present flying moment, that second which is being recorded by the ticking of yonder clock, is the only time which we have to work with.

You perceive that our text is a quotation. How ought we to value the Old Testament! If inspired men of God, who spoke by the Holy Ghost, yet quoted the Old Testament, how valuable must be its bejeweled sentences!

If Christ had not died, there had never been a day of salvation. If Christ had not been heard and accepted, an accepted time there never could have come to us; but since he, man’s representative, hath obtained favour in the eyes of God, and through his complete work, hath for ever settled that favour upon himself, there is favour in the heart of God to those whom Christ represented, even to those transgressors for whom he maketh intercession.

The great mischief of the most of men is that they procrastinate. It is not that they resolve to be damned, but that they resolve to be saved to-morrow. It is not that they reject Christ for ever, but that they reject Christ to-day; and truly they might as well reject him for ever, as continue perpetually to reject him “now.”

Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Spurgeon now, now, sermon 603, 2 Corinthians 6, Spurgeon podcast, Spurgeon sermon, Hear Spurgeon, Spurgeon, Spurgeon gospel, Spurgeon salvation,

588. The Prodigal’s Reception — Luke 15:20

“And he arose and came to his father.  But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him.”—Luke 15:20.

Main Points:
1. The condition of many seekers – 5:16
2. The matchless kindness of the Father – 20:11

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O you who know the Lord… while we talk of what he is willing and able to do to the far off sinners, let your souls leap with joyous gratitude at the recollection of how he received you into his love, and made you partakers of his grace in days gone by.

…the sinner is a long way off from God when you consider his utter want of strength to come to God. Even such strength as God has given him is very painfully used. God has given him strength enough to desire salvation, but those desires are always accompanied with deep and sincere grief for sin.

if you had to come to God by the way of your own righteousness you would never reach him, for he is not thus to be found. Christ Jesus is the way. He is the safe, sure, and perfect road to God. He who sees Jesus, has seen the Father; but he who looks to himself will only see despair. The road to heaven by Mount Sinai is impassable by mortal man, but Calvary leads to glory; the secret places of the stairs are in the wounds of Jesus.

I recollect a young prodigal who was received in the same way. Here he stands, it is I, myself. I sat in a little chapel, little dreaming that my Father saw me; certainly I was a great way off. I felt something of my need of Christ, but I did not know what I must do to be saved; though taught the letter of the Word, I was spiritually ignorant of the plan of salvation; though taught it from my youth up, I knew it not. I felt, but I did not feel what I wished to feel. If ever there was a soul that knew itself to be far off from God, I was that soul; and yet in a moment, in one single moment, no sooner had I heard the words, “Look unto me and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth,” no sooner had I turned my eyes to Jesus crucified, than I felt my perfect reconciliation with God, I knew my sins to be forgiven. There was no time for getting out of my heavenly Father’s way, it was done, and done in an instant; and in my case, at least, he ran and fell upon my neck to kiss me. I hope that will be the case this morning; before you can get out of this place, before you can get back to your old doubtings, and fearings, and sighings, and cryings, I hope here the Lord of love will run and meet you, and fall upon your neck and kiss you.

Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Sermon 588, The Prodigal’s Reception, Luke 15, Spurgeon podcast, Spurgeon sermon, Hear Spurgeon, Spurgeon, Spurgeon gospel, evangelism, prodigal son, God the Father

580. God is with Us — Romans 8:31

“It is only when we behold the Lord Jehovah in the person of Jesus Christ that our hope and joy can begin; when we see Deity incarnate, when we see God surrendering the glories of his throne to become man, and then stooping to the shameful death of the cross—it is then that we perceive Emmanuel, “God with us,” and perceiving him, we feel that he is on our side.” ~ C.H.S.

“If God is for us, who can be against us?”—Romans 8:31.

Main Points:
1. How is God for us? – 3:08 
2. Who is against us? – 19:12
3. who is not against us? – 34:27

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It is not every man who can say that God is on his side; on the contrary, the most of men are fighting against the Lord. By nature we are the friends of sin, and then God is against us; with all the powers of justice he is against us for our destruction unless we turn and repent. Is God for us? Remember he is so if we have been reconciled to him by the death of his Son; but an absolute God must be in arms against us, for even our God is a consuming fire. It is only when we behold the Lord Jehovah in the person of Jesus Christ that our hope and joy can begin; when we see Deity incarnate, when we see God surrendering the glories of his throne to become man, and then stooping to the shameful death of the cross—it is then that we perceive Emmanuel, “God with us,” and perceiving him, we feel that he is on our side. Question thyself then, soul, whether thou art in Christ. He who is not with Christ is not with God. If thou art without Christ, thou art without God, and a stranger from the commonwealth of Israel; but if through the sprinkled blood thou canst say that thou art reconciled unto God, then take the full meaning of this text, and feast upon it, and be thou blessed, for “If God be for us, who can be against us?”

All the people of God are wrapped about with the righteousness of Christ, and, wearing that glorious robe, the eye of God sees no fault in them—Jehovah sees no sin in Jacob, neither iniquity in Israel. Christ is seen, and not the sinner; Christ being therefore perfection’s own self, the believer is seen as perfect in him. God regards his people with the same affection as that wherewith he loves his only-begotten Son. He hath pronounced them clean, and clean they are; he hath proclaimed them just, covered with the righteousness of Christ, and just they are.

…it is impossible for any human speech to bring out the depth of the meaning of how God is for us. He was for us before the worlds were made: he was for us, or else he never would have given his Son; he was for us even when he smote the only-begotten, and laid the full weight of his wrath upon him—he was for us, though he was against him; he was for us when we were ruined in the fall—he loved us notwithstanding all; he was for us when we were against him, and with a high hand were bidding him defiance: he was for us, or else he never would have brought us humbly to seek his face. He has been for us in many struggles; we have had to fight through multitudes of difficulties; we have had temptations from without and within—how could we have held on until now if he had not been with us? He is for us, let me say, with all the infinity of his heart, with all the omnipotence of his love; for us with all his boundless wisdom; arrayed in all the attributes which make him God he is for us—eternally and immutably for us…

Depend on it, my brother, thou mayst think thyself to be safe against Satan, but there is a joint in thy harness, and he will find it out; and remember, as one leak may sink a ship, so one weak point may be, and would be thy ruin, if God did not prevent it. But what matters the devil when we have this text—“If God be for us, who can be against us?” The devil is mighty, but God is almighty; Satan is strong, but all strength belongeth unto God. What is Satan, after all, but an enemy who has had his head broken? He is a broken-headed dragon, The Lord has a hook in his nose, and a bridle in his jaws, and he knows how to pull him back. Sometimes I wish he would take him up a link or two, that he might not be so busy amongst some of our Churches; but he is a chained enemy—the Lord lets him go just so far, but never any further.

God the Father cannot be against us. He is our Father; he cannot be against his own children. He hath chosen us, he will not cast us away; he hath adopted us into his family, he will never discard us; he hath been pleased to ordain us unto eternal life, he will never reverse the decree.

…God the Son is not against us. O beloved, how sweetly he has been for us! Methinks I see him now, lifting up that face all covered with bloody sweat, and saying to every believer, “I am for thee; these gouts of gore fall to the dust for you; I sweat great drops of blood that I might redeem you.” He stands before Pilate; and when he is brought forth with the “Ecce homo,” I think I hear him say, “Poor sinner, I am for you.” I see him carrying the cross upon his bleeding shoulders, and every step he takes is to this tune, “I am for you.” I behold him bleeding upon the tree with outstretched hands, and all his wounds, and all the drops of blood which flow from his side, all say, “Christ is for you.” To-day, as he pleads before the eternal throne, this is the tenour of his plea, “I am for you.” When he shall come a second time without a sin-offering, unto salvation, the sound of the mighty trumpet which shall herald his advent, will ring out, “Christ is for you, O ye blood-bought saints.” When he shall sit upon the throne of his Father, and his kingdom shall come, whereof there shall be no end; this shall be the tenour of that kingdom, “I am for my people; I will rule my people righteously, and bless the nations upon earth.” Christ cannot be against you. You cannot look into that dear face of his, and think that he will ever leave you. Your husband is married to you, and he has proved his love by such indisputable tokens, that you must not, oh! you cannot doubt it. Child of God, I almost defy you to doubt the love of your Lord Jesus Christ. How can he put you away? Could he have bought you at such a price—could he have suffered so much for you, and yet leave you, throw you away upon the dunghill? Impossible! impossible! Those wounds for ever seal your everlasting security.

…the Holy Spirit cannot be against us. He must always, as the comforter, comfort his own people; as the illuminator he must lead us into the truth; as the great giver of life he must always quicken us from our death of sin. Whatever power the Holy Spirit has it is all engaged for us, “Lo! I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.”

Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Sermon 580, God is with us, Romans 8, Spurgeon podcast, Spurgeon sermon, Spurgeon Christmas, predestination, justification, glorification, Spurgeon gospel, God for us,

574. The Superlative Excellence of the Holy Spirit — John 16:7

“God has given two great gifts to his people:
the first is, his Son for us; the second is, his Spirit to us.” ~C.H.S.
In this sermon, Spurgeon makes the case that the presence of the Holy Spirit is more advantageous for the church than the physical presence of Christ would be.

“Nevertheless, I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you.”—John 16:7.

Main Points:
1. The bodily presence of Christ was precious – 5:13
2. The Spirit’s presence is better than Christ’s bodily presence – 9:57
3. The presence of the Spirit is superlatively valuable – 22:39
4. View the mysterious Spirit with awe and reverence – 34:46

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As silly children cry because they are called to drink the medicine which will heal their sicknesses, even so do we. Our gracious Saviour, however, loves us too wisely to spare us the trouble because of our childish fears; he foresees the advantage which will spring from our griefs, and therefore thrusts us into them out of wisdom and true affection.

God has given two great gifts to his people: the first is, his Son for us; the second is, his Spirit to us.

Christ crucified is of no practical value to us without the work of the Holy Spirit; and the atonement which Jesus wrought can never save a single soul unless the blessed Spirit of God shall apply it to the heart and conscience. Jesus is never seen until the Holy Spirit opens the eye: the water from the well of life is never received until the Holy Spirit has drawn it from the depths. As medicine unused for want of the physician’s word; as sweets untasted because out of reach; as treasure unvalued because hidden in the earth; such is Jesus the Saviour, until the Holy Spirit teaches us to know him, and applies his blood to our souls.

Remember, brethren, and here is another thought which should make the Spirit very dear to you, that without the Holy Spirit no good thing ever did or ever can come into any of your hearts—no sigh of penitence—no cry of faith—no glance of love—no tear of hallowed sorrow. Your heart can never palpitate with life divine, except through the Spirit; you are not capable of the smallest degree of spiritual emotion, much less spiritual action, apart from the Holy Ghost. Dead you lie, living only for evil, but absolutely dead for God until the Holy Ghost comes and raises you from the grave. There is nothing good in you today, my brother, which was not put there.

Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Sermon 574, Superlative Excellence Holy Spirit, John 16, Spurgeon Holy Spirit, Spurgeon podcast, Spurgeon sermon audio, Spurgeon preaching, regeneration, sanctification, Holy Spirit,