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“Woe to them that are at ease in Zion.”—Amos 6:1
Main Points:
1. Waking sleepers by calling out their names – 5:54
2. By shedding a light upon their eyes – 24:43
3. By sounding the trumpet in their ears – 38:12
The following are select quotes from this sermon.
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He that trusts in his own works leans upon a broken reed. As well attempt to cross the storm-tossed ocean upon a chilld’s paper boat, or mount to the heaven of God in the philosopher’s balloon,—as well attempt to put out the fire of a blazing prairie by carrying in your hand a little water scooped from the neighbouring stream, as hope by any means to get rid of thine own iniquities by doing better, or of thy past sins by future holiness.
The Gospel is free to you still as it always has been, and lo, we preach it to you. All he asks of you is to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and ye shall be saved. He has not asked an impossible thing, a hard thing,—that which takes weeks to do. It is done in an instant, and when his Spirit is present, it is done at once and completely. “But what is to believe in Christ?” say you. It is to trust him—trust him with your soul—trust him with your soul just as it is. Trust him with it now. I do not say to you, “Go home and pray,” though I hope you will—that is not my errand. I have to say, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ;” that is the way to salvation, and you have no need to go home to do that. If the Spirit of God has shown you your need of Christ, that can be done where you are—in the pew. O may the Spirit enable you in your soul thus to cry to God—“I am guilty of all that has been said; I am guilty; I acknowledge it with sorrow. I feel I cannot save myself, and that the means of grace cannot save me, for they have been tried and they have failed. Lord, I have such a stony heart that nothing can break it but thyself. I am such a careless, good-for-nothing sinner, that the most earnest ministry is lost upon me. I have been pleaded with long, but I have not turned. I confess that all this has aggravated my guilt; I acknowledge it; and now, if thou destroy me, Lord, thou wouldst be just. But, O save me! save me!—not for any good thing I have, for, “All unholy and unclean, I am nothing else but sin.” But Father, Jesus died; I believe that he is able, and that he is willing to save to the uttermost them that come unto God by him. Just as I am, I put my case into his hands, I am guilty. Lord, I feel it. Oh that I could feel it more, but Lord, I trust in Him.” Are you touching the hem of his garment, and putting your trust in what he did, and what he is? Then your sins which are many are all forgiven you. go in peace.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon