“A bruised reed shall he not break, and smoking flax shall he not quench, till he send forth judgment unto victory.”—Matt. 12:20.
Main Points:
1. Mortal frailty – 4:34
2. Divine compassion – 22:23
3. Certain triumph – 34:16
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When God puts his hand to a man, if he were worthless and useless before, he can make him very valuable. You know the price of an article does not depend so much upon the value of the raw material as upon workmanship put upon it. Here is very bad raw material to begin with—bruised reeds and smoking flax; but by Divine workmanship both these things become of wondrous value.
Whatever your crime has been, the Lord says, “Return ye backsliding children of men, for I will have mercy upon you.” He will not cast thee away, poor Ephriam; only come back to him—he will not despise thee, though thou hast plunged thyself in the mire and dirt, though thou art covered from head to foot with filthiness; come back, poor prodigal, come back, come back! Thy father calls thee. Hearken poor backslider! Come at once to him whose arms are ready to receive thee.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon