Tag Archives: spurgeon

603. Now — 2 Corinthians 6:2

“For he says, “In an acceptable time I listened to you, and in a day of salvation I have helped you.” Behold, now is the acceptable time; behold, now is the day of salvation.”
—2 Corinthians 6:2.

Main Points:
0:00 – Introduction
8:57 – 1. Now of believers
27:11 – 2. Now of sinners
38:26 – 3. Now in heaven
39:54 – 4. Now in hell

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…there is one thought which should not leave us when talking about times and seasons, namely, that now, now, just now, this present flying moment, that second which is being recorded by the ticking of yonder clock, is the only time which we have to work with.

You perceive that our text is a quotation. How ought we to value the Old Testament! If inspired men of God, who spoke by the Holy Ghost, yet quoted the Old Testament, how valuable must be its bejeweled sentences!

If Christ had not died, there had never been a day of salvation. If Christ had not been heard and accepted, an accepted time there never could have come to us; but since he, man’s representative, hath obtained favour in the eyes of God, and through his complete work, hath for ever settled that favour upon himself, there is favour in the heart of God to those whom Christ represented, even to those transgressors for whom he maketh intercession.

The great mischief of the most of men is that they procrastinate. It is not that they resolve to be damned, but that they resolve to be saved to-morrow. It is not that they reject Christ for ever, but that they reject Christ to-day; and truly they might as well reject him for ever, as continue perpetually to reject him “now.”

Charles Haddon Spurgeon

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588. The Prodigal’s Reception — Luke 15:20

“And he arose and came to his father.  But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him.”—Luke 15:20.

Main Points:
1. The condition of many seekers – 5:16
2. The matchless kindness of the Father – 20:11

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The following are select quotes from this sermon.
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O you who know the Lord… while we talk of what he is willing and able to do to the far off sinners, let your souls leap with joyous gratitude at the recollection of how he received you into his love, and made you partakers of his grace in days gone by.

…the sinner is a long way off from God when you consider his utter want of strength to come to God. Even such strength as God has given him is very painfully used. God has given him strength enough to desire salvation, but those desires are always accompanied with deep and sincere grief for sin.

if you had to come to God by the way of your own righteousness you would never reach him, for he is not thus to be found. Christ Jesus is the way. He is the safe, sure, and perfect road to God. He who sees Jesus, has seen the Father; but he who looks to himself will only see despair. The road to heaven by Mount Sinai is impassable by mortal man, but Calvary leads to glory; the secret places of the stairs are in the wounds of Jesus.

I recollect a young prodigal who was received in the same way. Here he stands, it is I, myself. I sat in a little chapel, little dreaming that my Father saw me; certainly I was a great way off. I felt something of my need of Christ, but I did not know what I must do to be saved; though taught the letter of the Word, I was spiritually ignorant of the plan of salvation; though taught it from my youth up, I knew it not. I felt, but I did not feel what I wished to feel. If ever there was a soul that knew itself to be far off from God, I was that soul; and yet in a moment, in one single moment, no sooner had I heard the words, “Look unto me and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth,” no sooner had I turned my eyes to Jesus crucified, than I felt my perfect reconciliation with God, I knew my sins to be forgiven. There was no time for getting out of my heavenly Father’s way, it was done, and done in an instant; and in my case, at least, he ran and fell upon my neck to kiss me. I hope that will be the case this morning; before you can get out of this place, before you can get back to your old doubtings, and fearings, and sighings, and cryings, I hope here the Lord of love will run and meet you, and fall upon your neck and kiss you.

Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Sermon 588, The Prodigal’s Reception, Luke 15, Spurgeon podcast, Spurgeon sermon, Hear Spurgeon, Spurgeon, Spurgeon gospel, evangelism, prodigal son, God the Father

263. The Story of God’s Mighty Acts — Psalm 44:1

Charles Spurgeon Sermon Audio!

Listen to Spurgeon’s sermon entitled ‘The Story of God’s Mighty Acts’
(‘Hear Spurgeon’ didn’t make an audio recording of this sermon, but we found someone who did!)

↓ Streaming audio provided here ↓

If you’re aware of another recording of this sermon that we missed, contact us on social media, or at hearspurgeon@gmail.com and we’ll add it to the page!
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↓ Listen to the Hear Spurgeon Podcast

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223. The Evil and its Remedy — Ezekiel 9:9; 1 John 1:7

“There are two great lessons which every man must learn, and learn by experience, before he can be a Christian. First, he must learn that sin is an exceeding great and evil thing; and he must learn also that the blood of Christ is an exceedingly precious thing, and is able to save unto the uttermost them that come unto it.” – C.H.S.

“The iniquity of the house of Israel and Judah is exceeding great.”—Ezekiel 9:9.
“The blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.”—1 John 1:7.

Main Points:
1. The greatness of our sin – 3:57
2. The richness of the blood of Christ – 24:10

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The following are select quotes from this sermon.
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There are some sciences that may be learned by the head, but the science of Christ crucified can only be learned by the heart.

There are two great lessons which every man must learn, and learn by experience, before he can be a Christian. First, he must learn that sin is an exceeding great and evil thing; and he must learn also that the blood of Christ is an exceedingly precious thing, and is able to save unto the uttermost them that come unto it.

But think again, how great does your sin and mine seem, if we will but think of the ingratitude which has marked it. The Lord our God has fed us from our youth up to this day: he has put the breath into our nostrils, and has held our souls in life; he has clothed the earth with mercies and he has permitted us to walk across these fair fields; and he has given us bread to eat and raiment to put on, and mercies so precious that their full value can never be known until they are taken from us; and yet you and I have persevered in breaking all his laws wilfully and wantonly: we have gone contrary to his will; it has been sufficient for us to know that a thing has been God’s will, and we have at once run contrary thereunto. Oh, if we set our secret sins in the light of his mercy, if our transgressions are set side by side with his favours, we must each of us say, our sins indeed are exceeding great!

O trembling sinner, that however great thine iniquity may be, whatever sin thou mayest have committed in all the list of guilt, however far thou mayest have exceeded all thy fellow-creatures, though thou mayest have distanced the Pauls and Magdalens and every one of the most heinous culprits in the black race of sin, yet the blood of Christ is able now to wash thy sin away. Mark! I speak not lightly of thy sin, it is exceeding great; but I speak still more loftily of the blood of Christ. Great as are thy sins, the blood of Christ is greater still. Thy sins are like great mountains, but the blood of Christ is like Noah’s flood; twenty cubits upwards shall this blood prevail, and the top of the mountains of thy sin shall be covered.

Charles Haddon Spurgeon

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117. Lovest thou Me? — John 21:15–17 (Do You Love Me?)

Listen to Charles Spurgeon Sermon Audio!

We didn’t make a recording of this sermon (Lovest thou Me? [Do You Love Me]), but we searched the internet high and low and found others who did!

↓ Streaming audio provided here ↓

If you’re aware of any other recording of this sermon that we missed, contact us on social media, or at hearspurgeon@gmail.com and we’ll add it to the page!
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106. Turn or Burn — Psalm 7:12

Listen to Charles Spurgeon Sermon Audio!

We didn’t make a recording of this sermon (Turn or Burn), but we searched the internet high and low and found THREE OTHERS who did!

↓ Streaming audio provided here ↓

If you’re aware of any other recording of this sermon that we missed, contact us on social media, or at hearspurgeon@gmail.com and we’ll add it to the page!
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105. Manasseh — 2 Chronicles 33:13

Listen to Charles Spurgeon Sermon Audio!

We didn’t make a recording of this sermon (Manasseh), but we searched the internet high and low and found someone who did!

↓ Streaming audio provided here ↓

If you’re aware of any other recording of this sermon that we missed, contact us on social media, or at hearspurgeon@gmail.com and we’ll add it to the page!
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89. Hatred Without Cause — John 15:25

Listen to Charles Spurgeon Sermon Audio!

We didn’t make a recording of this sermon (Hatred Without Cause),
but we searched the internet high and low and found someone who did!

↓ Streaming audio provided here ↓

If you’re aware of any other recording of this sermon that we missed, contact us on social media, or at hearspurgeon@gmail.com and we’ll add it to the page!
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75. Final Perseverance — Hebrews 6:4–6

Listen to Charles Spurgeon Sermon Audio!

We didn’t make a recording of this sermon,
but we searched the internet high and low and found someone who did!

↓ Streaming audio provided here ↓

If you’re aware of any other recording of this sermon that we missed, contact us on social media, or at hearspurgeon@gmail.com and we’ll add it to the page!
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74. A Willing People and an Immutable Leader — Psalm 110:3

Listen to Charles Spurgeon Sermon Audio!

We didn’t make a recording of this sermon,
but we searched the internet high and low and found someone who did!

↓ Streaming audio provided here ↓

If you’re aware of any other recording of this sermon that we missed, contact us on social media, or at hearspurgeon@gmail.com and we’ll add it to the page!
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