“You do understand me, I trust, that God must punish sin, that he must punish you for sin unless some one else will suffer in your stead…” ~ C.H.S.
“You shall make his soul an offering for sin.”—Isaiah 53:10.
Main Points: 1. Sin deserves and demands punishment – 3:29 2. The provision of a substitute is an act of grace – 13:37 3. The most fitting person to be a substitute – 18:55 4. The substitutionary work is complete – 28:12
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I do implore you do not look upon the sacrifice of Christ as an act of mere vengeance on the Father’s part… Oh, no, dear friends, Jesus’ death is the effect of overwhelming and infinite love on the Father’s part, and every blow which wounds, every infliction which occasions sorrow, and every pang which rends his heart, speaks of the Father’s love…
You do understand me, I trust, that God must punish sin, that he must punish you for sin unless some one else will suffer in your stead, that Jesus Christ is the person who did suffer in the room and place of all those who ever have believed on him, who do believe in him, or ever shall believe in him, making for those who believe on him a complete atonement by his substitution in their place.