Tag Archives: sermon number 245

245. The Way to God — John 14:6

“No man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”—St. John 14:6.

Main Point:
1. Christless worship – 10:49
2. Christless penitence – 20:48
3. Christless self-betterment – 27:57
4. Christless communion – 38:26
5. Conclusion – 42:44

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There is not, in this book of God, one single sentence which could lead me to believe that there is a way to God for the Mahomedan, for the Jew, or for any one who does not come to him through Jesus Christ. The religion of Christ is exclusive in this. It declares, that other foundation can no man lay, than that which is laid, Jesus Christ. It declares that no man can come to God except through Jesus. All the charity of which some men talk is deceitful and valueless. We can have no hope for those who receive not Christ. We pity them, we love them, we pray for them, we plead for them, that they may be brought to this; but we dare not deceive them, we dare not tell them that God will hear their prayers, if they will not come to him through Jesus Christ.

Oh! if we could but learn this truth and stand to it, that our acceptance with God depends upon nothing that we do or can do, nothing that we can think, or feel, or be, but depends wholly and entirely and solely upon what Jesus is, and what he has done, and what he has suffered; let us once get that thought—and it is in the text—we shall then be able, by the divine assistance of the Holy Spirit, to come to God at all times with boldness, knowing that we were so coming through Christ, and therefore we might always come boldly to the throne of grace.

But there is no way to heaven, whatever our hopes may be, but through Christ. O spirit of man, there is no way to the gates of pearl but through the bleeding side of Jesus. These are the gates of paradise—these bleeding wounds. If thou wouldst find thy way to God’s bright throne, find first thy way to Jesus’ shameful cross; if thou wouldst know the way to happiness, tread in that path of misery which Jesus trod.

Charles Haddon Spurgeon

245 post pic, spurgeon sermon audio, spurgeon gospel, Jesus is the way, john 14, the way to God