Listen to Spurgeon’s sermon entitled ‘A Single Eye and Simple Faith’ (‘Hear Spurgeon’ didn’t make an audio recording of this sermon, but we found someone who did!)
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Listen to Spurgeon’s sermon entitled ‘Characteristics of Faith’ (‘Hear Spurgeon’ didn’t make an audio recording of this sermon, but we found someone who did!)
↓ Streaming audio provided here ↓
If you’re aware of another recording of this sermon that we missed, contact us on social media, or at and we’ll add it to the page! Facebook ~ Twitter ~ Instagram
Few will argue that salvation is possible without faith, but how many have a firm grasp, and can articulate what faith is? Young Charles Spurgeon clearly explains this crucial component of our salvation with helpful illustrations throughout. He then asks “the vital question”.: “Do you have faith?”
“Without faith it is impossible to please God.”—Hebrews 11:6.
Main Points:
1. Exposition: What is faith? – 6:21
2. Argument: Salvation impossible without faith – 17:57
3. Question: Do you have faith? – 38:37
The following are select quotes from this sermon.
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We believe that every doctrine of God’s Word ought to be studied by men, and that their faith should lay hold of the whole matter of the Sacred Scriptures, and more especially upon all that part of Scripture which concerns the person of our all-blessed Redeemer.
suppose a fire in the upper room of a house, and the people gathered in the street. A child is in the upper story: how is he to escape? He cannot leap down—that were to be dashed to pieces. A strong man comes beneath, and cries, “Drop into my arms.” It is a part of faith to know that the man is there; it is another part of faith to believe that the man is strong; but the essence of faith lies in the dropping down into the man’s arms. That is the proof of faith, and the real pith and essence of it.
Men have humbled themselves, and yet God has not saved them Ahab did, and yet his sins were never forgiven. Men have repented, and yet have not been saved, because their’s was the wrong repentance. Judas repented, and went and hanged himself, and was not saved. Men have confessed their sins, and have not been saved. Saul did it. He said to David, ‘I have sinned against thee, my son David;” and yet he went on as he did before. Multitudes have confessed the name of Christ, and have done many marvellous things, and yet they have never been pleasing to God, from this simple reason, that they had not faith.
We must go to Christ on our bended knees; for though he is a door big enough for the greatest sinner to come in, he is a door so low that men must stoop if they would be saved.
If you conceive that by your good works you shall enter heaven, never was there a more fell delusion, and you shall find at the last great day, that your hopes were worthless, and that, like sear leaves from the autumn trees, your noblest doings shall be blown away, or kindled into a flame within you yourselves must suffer for ever. Take heed of your good works; get them after faith, but remember, the way to be saved is simply to believe in Jesus Christ.
If a man says he has faith, and has no works, he lies; if any man declares that he believes on Christ, and yet does not lead a holy life, he makes a mistake; for while we do not trust in good works, we know that faith always begets good works. Faith is the father of holiness, and he has not the parent who loves not the child. God’s blessings are blessings with both his hands. In the one hand he gives pardon; but in the other hand he always gives holiness; and no man can have the one, unless he has the other.
Oh sinners, who know your sins! “Believe on the Lord Jesus, and ye shall be saved.” Cast yourselves upon his love and blood, his doing and his dying, his miseries and his merits; and if you do this you shall never fall, but you shall be saved now, and saved in that great day when not to be saved will be horrible indeed.