Tag Archives: metropolitan tabernacle

501. Grace abounding — Hosea 14:4

“I will love them freely.”—Hosea 14:4.

Main Points:
1. Nothing in man can attract the love of God – 11:33
2. Nothing in man can be a bar to God’s love – 32:41

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Here we have spontaneous love flowing forth to those who neither deserved it, purchased it, nor sought after it.

when God says, “I will love them freely,” he means that no prayers, no tears, no good works, no almsgivings are an inducement to him to love men; nay, that not only nothing in themselves, but nothing anywhere else was the cause of his love to them; not even the blood of Christ; not even the groans and tears of his beloved Son. These are the fruits of his love, not the cause of it. He does not love because Christ died, but Christ died because the Father loved.

If you were the most unworthy of all created beings, if you had aggravated your sin till you had become the foulest and most vile of all sinners, yet “I will love them freely,” puts the worst on an equality with the best, sets you that are the devil’s cast-aways, on a par with the most hopeful. There is no reason for God’s love in any man; if there is none in you, you are not worse off than the best of men, for there is none in them; the grace and love of God can come as freely to you as they can to those that have long been seeking them

Paul says he was the chief of sinners, and he meant it; he spoke by inspiration, and there is no doubt he was. Now if the biggest of sinners has passed through the strait gate, there must be room for the next biggest; if the greatest sinner in the world has been saved, then there is a possibility for you and for me, for we cannot be such great sinners as the very chief of sinners. But I will dare to say that even if we were, even if we could exceed Paul, yet even that could be no barrier; for man’s sin, to say the most of it, is but the act of a finite creature, but God’s grace is the act of infinite goodness.

Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Sermon 501, grace abounding, spurgeon sermon, spurgeon audio, Hosea 14, spurgeon love, spurgeon grace, spurgeon 501, metropolitan tabernacle,

425. “Too Good to be True.” — Luke 24:41

Charles Spurgeon Sermon Audio!

Listen to Spurgeon’s sermon entitled “Too Good to be True.”
(‘Hear Spurgeon’ didn’t make an audio recording of this sermon, but we found someone who did!)

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If you’re aware of another recording of this sermon that we missed, contact us on social media, or at hearspurgeon@gmail.com and we’ll add it to the page!
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Too Good to be True, spurgeon sermon, volume 7, metropolitan tabernacle, sermon 425, luke 24,

423. The Weeding of the Garden — Matthew 15:13

Charles Spurgeon Sermon Audio!

Listen to Spurgeon’s sermon entitled ‘The Weeding of the Garden’
(‘Hear Spurgeon’ didn’t make an audio recording of this sermon, but we found someone who did!)

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If you’re aware of another recording of this sermon that we missed, contact us on social media, or at hearspurgeon@gmail.com and we’ll add it to the page!
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The Weeding of the Garden, spurgeon sermon, volume 7, metropolitan tabernacle, sermon 423, matthew 15,

422. The Peacemaker — Matthew 5:9

Charles Spurgeon Sermon Audio!

Listen to Spurgeon’s sermon entitled ‘The Peacemaker’
(‘Hear Spurgeon’ didn’t make an audio recording of this sermon, but we found someone who did!)

↓ Streaming audio provided here ↓

If you’re aware of another recording of this sermon that we missed, contact us on social media, or at hearspurgeon@gmail.com and we’ll add it to the page!
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The Peacemaker, spurgeon sermon, volume 7, metropolitan tabernacle, sermon 422, matthew 5,

420. Abram and the Ravenous Birds — Genesis 15:11

Charles Spurgeon Sermon Audio!

Listen to Spurgeon’s sermon entitled ‘Abram and the Ravenous Birds’
(‘Hear Spurgeon’ didn’t make an audio recording of this sermon, but we found someone who did!)

↓ Streaming audio provided here ↓

If you’re aware of another recording of this sermon that we missed, contact us on social media, or at hearspurgeon@gmail.com and we’ll add it to the page!
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Abram and the Ravenous Birds, spurgeon sermon, volume 7, metropolitan tabernacle, sermon 420, genesis 15,

419. The Roaring Lion — 1 Peter 5:8-9

Charles Spurgeon Sermon Audio!

Listen to Spurgeon’s sermon entitled ‘The Roaring Lion’
(‘Hear Spurgeon’ didn’t make an audio recording of this sermon, but we found someone who did!)

↓ Streaming audio provided here ↓

If you’re aware of another recording of this sermon that we missed, contact us on social media, or at hearspurgeon@gmail.com and we’ll add it to the page!
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The Roaring Lion, spurgeon sermon, volume 7, metropolitan tabernacle, sermon 419, 1 peter 5,

418. Bread for the Hungry — Deuteronomy 8:3

Charles Spurgeon Sermon Audio!

Listen to Spurgeon’s sermon entitled ‘Bread for the Hungry’
(‘Hear Spurgeon’ didn’t make an audio recording of this sermon, but we found someone who did!)

↓ Streaming audio provided here ↓

If you’re aware of another recording of this sermon that we missed, contact us on social media, or at hearspurgeon@gmail.com and we’ll add it to the page!
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Browse our entire Spurgeon sermon audio collection here

Bread for the Hungry, spurgeon sermon, volume 7, metropolitan tabernacle, sermon 418, deuteronomy 8,

416. The Shield of Faith — Ephesians 6:16

Charles Spurgeon Sermon Audio!

Listen to Spurgeon’s sermon entitled ‘The Shield of Faith’
(‘Hear Spurgeon’ didn’t make an audio recording of this sermon, but we found someone who did!)

↓ Streaming audio provided here ↓

If you’re aware of another recording of this sermon that we missed, contact us on social media, or at hearspurgeon@gmail.com and we’ll add it to the page!
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Browse our entire Spurgeon sermon audio collection here

The Shield of Faith, spurgeon sermon, volume 7, metropolitan tabernacle, sermon 416, ephesians 6, armor of God,

415. The Fulness of Christ—Received! — John 1:16

Charles Spurgeon Sermon Audio!

Listen to Spurgeon’s sermon entitled ‘The Fulness of Christ—Received!’
(‘Hear Spurgeon’ didn’t make an audio recording of this sermon, but we found someone who did!)

↓ Streaming audio provided here ↓

If you’re aware of another recording of this sermon that we missed, contact us on social media, or at hearspurgeon@gmail.com and we’ll add it to the page!
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↓ Listen to the Hear Spurgeon Podcast

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link to Hear Spurgeon on Spotify podcast
Link to Hear Spurgeon on Google Podcasts

Browse our entire Spurgeon sermon audio collection here

The Fulness of Christ Received, spurgeon sermon, volume 7, metropolitan tabernacle, sermon 415, john 1, spurgeon jesus,

414. The Glory of Christ—Beheld! — John 1:14

Charles Spurgeon Sermon Audio!

Listen to Spurgeon’s sermon entitled ‘The Glory of Christ—Beheld!’
(‘Hear Spurgeon’ didn’t make an audio recording of this sermon, but we found others who did!)

↓ Streaming audio provided here ↓

If you’re aware of another recording of this sermon that we missed, contact us on social media, or at hearspurgeon@gmail.com and we’ll add it to the page!
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↓ Listen to the Hear Spurgeon Podcast

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link to Hear Spurgeon on Spotify podcast
Link to Hear Spurgeon on Google Podcasts

Browse our entire Spurgeon sermon audio collection here

The Glory of Christ Beheld, spurgeon sermon, volume 7, metropolitan tabernacle, sermon 414, john 1, spurgeon jesus,